Wednesday, October 8, 2008


It is simply amazing how God will tell us what we need to hear at just the moment we need to hear it.  It isn't a surprise, but it constantly blows me away when He does it!  

God made my calling to ministry clear over the summer, and He used many people to confirm that.  And since then, I've said "God, if any door opens, I'm walking through it." So, I got more involved and it's been incredible.  Then another opportunity seemed to open up, and I jumped at it.  I really wanted it to work out, but so far, it hasn't.  And I got down about it.  Last Wednesday, I was really struggling with that.  As if that was the only opportunity I would ever have!  

I think I just wanted that to work out so I wouldn't have to tell people, "God called me to ministry," and when they ask me what field, I say "Not sure yet, wherever God opens the door." That gets a little tiring.  So anyway, I'm sitting there feeling sorry for myself. I finish doing my ministry stuff and I start talking to some one who I don't spend much time around or know that closely, and God just uses him to confirm my calling, to show me I'm on the right path, and I just have to be patient.

Then, Sunday, I had an interview at the Apple store.  What a cool job that would be.  But it isn't ministry, and I'm just wondering why God would seemingly open that door. But it would pay the bills.  So, I start waiting to hear back about that.  Then, God paves the way for me to go to the Catalyst Conference in Atlanta! Then, I hear today that the Apple store thing isn't going to happen.  Now, I actually felt okay about that.  I know God wants me to do ministry, so I'm cool with not working another retail job.  But part of me was upset because I've never interviewed for a job that I haven't gotten. That sounded really cocky, but it's all because of God's provision that I got those jobs.  So anyway, I'm thinking, "why wasn't I good enough?"

(Almost done) So then, I'm reading my Bible today, and I'm in Philippians 3.  And from verse 1 to verse 11, Paul talks about our confidence in the flesh and how he has so many reasons to put confidence in his accomplishments and abilities, and how he counted all of them as rubbish compared to Christ.  Not a coincidence.  What a freeing moment this morning where I could truly let go of those thoughts and just know that God has something huge planned for me!

Sorry this was so long, but it's been a while since I've updated.  I'm off to Catalyst this evening and I just know based on the events of the last couple of days that God has something to say to me there. I covet your prayers and I can't wait to write about what God speaks to me in Atlanta!

Until then, many blessings,

Champy ><>

Monday, September 29, 2008

Side note...

The 30 days are going well.  Not as well as I would like, but each day is a new day, so I'm walking in that confidence.  More to come on that.

I just wanted to take a minute to shamelessly plug a band that I believe very much in.  Their name is Anberlin.  And they have a new CD coming out tomorrow.  I saw them 
play an acoustic set last week and it was nothing short of incredible.  They recently got picked up by Universal and I have a feeling that it is going to be big.  These guys are great. Listen to them if you don't already.  And go buy the CD.  It's called New Surrender and it is pretty cheap at a couple of stores.

That is all.  Have a great day.

Champy ><>

Thursday, September 25, 2008

3 down...

So, how is the challenge going? Alright.  I've missed some of the things each day, but I am focused on getting things done.  I'm just starting fresh everyday.  

I have found a good friend to pray with every evening.  We talk about our days and what we need prayer for.  And he is doing the challenge as well, and I trust and respect him, so it's a great situation.

And as for the useless activity that I'm giving up, God has shown me a couple.  But the one I am excited about is giving up Facebook and MySpace.  I never realized until Monday when God revealed it to me how much I use Facebook to waste time.  And it's not even to "stalk." If I'm doing homework, I'll just click on it to check it just to distract myself.  And while the convenience of both is great, I just don't need them for 30 days.  It's been tough so far.  I've had to set up ways to keep myself from going on it, but it will be good.  I can't wait to not need to use it all the time, and be content with not checking it frequently.

And I'm reading Philippians right now, which is one of my favorite books.  As God reveals application to me, I will be sure to share it with you. One thing I learned yesterday comes from chapter 1, verses 3-6.  I need to be more diligent about praying for people.  And the way Paul phrases it, he thanks God every time he remembers them.  So when I think of someone during the day, I should use that as a prompt for prayer.

Alas, I've rambled on.  Until next time...

Champy ><>

Monday, September 22, 2008

30 days from now...

The 30 Day Challenge.  Pastor Jeff laid it out at Late Nite last night.  It is definitely a challenge, but one of the best that I have been faced with.  Jeff told us to make this personal, to not just go into this halfheartedly.  So I'm going in wholeheartedly.  

Do I know how it will look? No. 
Will I get everything done everyday? I hope and pray so.  

But a couple things I do know: God wants me to step it up, and He will work this out in ways that I can't even begin to imagine.

I will update as much as I can during this 30 days with stories and the progress.  I'm sure I'll have something to share.

In the meantime, go to to see what the challenge entails.

Until next time...
Daniel ><>
Philippians 1:3-6

Saturday, September 20, 2008


Well, hello there.  Welcome.

I can honestly say that this is not my first blog.  I've written some before on other sites and for some other jobs.  But, I'm hoping to stick with this one.

There will be more to come...promise.

Until then, be cool.
